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ASICS presents: 3 tips on how to mentally prepare yourself perfectly for the next tennis match

With these three easy-to-implement tips you can get the most out of yourself both mentally and physically for upcoming tennis challenges.

by Stefan Bergmann
last edit: Dec 24, 2022, 01:17 pm

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Especially in professional tennis, mental health is becoming more and more important

"Mens sana in corpore sano" - at least the German translation "A healthy mind lives in a healthy body" is probably known to almost everyone. The wise Latin saying of the Roman poet Juvenal is also to be considered reciprocally - only those who are also mentally fit and focused can get the maximum physical performance out of themselves. The goal for every athlete should be to at least come close to a perfect fusion of body and mind - but everyday life and the stress associated with it always let us stray from the right path. We'll show you three tips to help you find your very own center, which is also the perfect mental preparation for your next big tennis challenge.

Breaks are as important as your workout itself

An ambitious training program is all well and good - after all, the body should be challenged and work up a sweat. Exaggerating is not a good idea in any situation. So if you immediately switch from a one-hour cardio workout to the weight bench, you are basically making a fatal mistake. The balance between targeted training stimuli and the subsequent relaxation is extremely important - not only because you will inevitably lose energy at some point if you hit too high. As with learning new spiritual content, we need time to let things sink in. And people also have to process muscular changes in the body first in order to be able to perceive and use them. In addition, after a short breather you are mentally strong again. And only properly focused training is good training.

Adequate sleep is essential

Another topic that is often neglected during the stressful everyday life is sleep hygiene. Who doesn't know it: Late dinner on the couch, then the entire season of the new streaming series "Binge-Watchen" and then horizontally well after midnight, only to struggle out of bed the next day at the crack of dawn. Lack of sleep affects both our body and our soul. Not only does athletic performance decrease, but concentration and focus also suffer if the rest period is too short. Depending on your disposition, seven to nine hours of sleep a night would be ideal. If you reflect properly and take good care of yourself, you will quickly feel what the ideal duration is for you. You start the day rested with a better mindset and take preventive measures against depression and anxiety disorders.

Use relaxation techniques in a targeted manner

We are now familiar with hundreds of different approaches from different cultures on how we can relax both physically and mentally. Especially when - for whatever reason - you feel crippling nervousness building up before the next tennis match, it's time to do something good for yourself. Whether you use yoga, meditation, Tai Chi or autogenic training depends on your personal preferences. The effects on the physique and psyche are basically the same with all attention techniques - stress hormones are reduced, fear dissolves and positive energy is bundled and focused. Entering the tennis court relaxed and relaxed is not only more fun, you automatically radiate greater self-confidence, which in turn can trigger a negative spiral in the other person. A little additional tip: If you need to be quick, you can do a five to ten-minute "progressive muscle relaxation" - here you will find instructions for this simple relaxation technique.

And finally the most important tip: Have fun with what you do. With joy and enthusiasm, everything is automatically easier - in the worst case, accepting a defeat.

by Stefan Bergmann

Dec 24, 2022, 03:15 pm
last edit: Dec 24, 2022, 01:17 pm