
Participate and win in the relief campaign "Points against Corona"

Win great prizes, improve team spirit and sustainably strengthen our society - all with just one measure? You can do this by participating in the non-profit media game campaign "Points against Corona" this summer, organized as part of the #AdvantageWe aid initiative and supported by a lot of tennis celebrities as well as by the DTB. Registration is now open!

last edit: Jul 14, 2020, 09:23 am

"Be there and hit it hard": Like French Open champion Kevin Krawietz , many German tennis stars are currently appealing to the teams in the country to join the charity campaign "Points against Corona" this season. The background: We all still clearly feel the effects of Corona, and competition operations are currently taking place under special conditions. Nonprofit organizations are particularly vulnerable: they are hardly allowed to make reserves for times of crisis, their income is reduced, while their services are even more needed in times like these.

The #AdvantageWe aid initiative, jointly launched by the German Tennis Federation, active tennis players and experts in social engagement, has set itself the task of supporting all those institutions and clubs that are badly affected by the corona effects and are now working on concrete projects or actively fight against the social consequences of the virus in the future. For this purpose, donations are collected for a social and a tennis-specific support fund. The money collected will then be distributed to audited non-profit organizations whose needs have previously been analyzed according to clear criteria. So far, the German Children's Hospice Association, Handicap International and several SOS Children's Villages have applied; Tennis clubs with socially relevant future projects can benefit from the tennis-specific pot.

Score, donate, collect as best you can - and secure your winnings!

#AdvantageWe is now starting the media game relief campaign "Points against Corona" with broad support from the tennis community. The principle is simple: You decide once in the team that each winner of a match point in the context of the media games donates an amount to be determined in advance in the team's virtual "Corona Solidarity Pot" at #AdvantageWe - for example 20 euros per single and 10 euros per double victory. After each match day, each individual fulfills this voluntary commitment by making an online donation. In addition, at best you try to attract more donors from your environment: Maybe some friends or family members may also crown your personal victories this season with contributions to your individual fundraising campaign.

Why should you do all of this? Good success is worth it in several ways. First, with your donations you strengthen civil society, which is an important driver for the long-term management of corona consequences. Those who help now ensure the future cohesion of our society! Second, you do something for your team spirit, because such a team action for a good cause is fun and connects. And thirdly, it is worthwhile to participate and help immediately, because the 5% of the teams with the highest donation result by the end of the summer season will win valuable prizes! This includes attractive non-cash prizes such as team clothing as well as non-commercial experiences, such as in the form of private video chats with tennis professionals, which you can interview live. There are not many such opportunities. So score, donate, collect as much as you can and secure your profit!

All aspects of "Points against Corona" including the steps to participate are detailed in the flyer, which is available for download here and which can also be used as a basis for decision-making for your team. Registration is then done online at points. And off you go: Win for the table, for the LK - and this time also for a good cause. Have fun!


Jul 14, 2020, 12:45 pm
last edit: Jul 14, 2020, 09:23 am