According to the quarantine regulation - Halep not in Palermo?

According to a new regulation by the Italian government, people entering Romania from Bulgaria or Bulgaria must be quarantined. This could prevent Simona Halep from starting at the WTA tournament in Palermo from August 3rd.

last edit: Jul 25, 2020, 08:06 am

Simona Halep's start in Palermo shakes
© Getty Images
Simona Halep's start in Palermo shakes

Not only the organizers of the WTA tournament in Palermo were looking forward to the ruling Wimbledon winner. Halep himself, too, seems to be hardly expecting the WTA tour to start again, and he also mentioned the week after Palermo for the event in Prague. But now the Italian government could have put an end to the ambitions of the world rankings second.

For a few days now, people who have been in Romania or Bulgaria for the past two weeks have had to be quarantined after entering Italy. This applies most prominently to Simona Halep, who spent the Corona period almost exclusively in her home country.

Test case for the US Open?

Halep's quarantine in Palermo is almost impossible. Also not available for appointments. Oliviero Palma, the very busy tournament director, has not yet given up and wants to get a special permit for players from Romania and Bulgaria from the Italian Minister of Health Roberto Speranza. After all, the WTA's hygiene protocol is sufficient to prevent the spread of the corona virus.

The matter can certainly be seen as a test case for the coming weeks: The biggest sticking point, whether the US Open can be held almost completely, is under what conditions the participants in the second Grand Slam tournament of the year back to Europe allowed to enter. Directly to New York City will be played at the locations Madrid and Rome.


Jul 25, 2020, 10:40 am
last edit: Jul 25, 2020, 08:06 am