
tennisnet podcast: Djokovic on hold - your own fault?

How did the current Novak Djokovic debacle in Melbourne come about? In the current edition of "Quiet, please - the tennisnet podcast", Kitzbühel tournament director Alexander Antonitsch, Jörg Allmeroth and Fritz Hutter discuss.

last edit: Jan 07, 2022, 05:43 pm

Quiet, please - the tennisnet podcast
© tennisnet
Quiet, please - the tennisnet podcast

The world's number one is stuck in Melbourne and has to hope that he will receive approval on Monday to participate in the 2022 Australian Open. How much to blame does Novak Djokovic have for this situation? What role does Tennis Australia play? And: How will the matter affect the acceptance of Djokovic by the other players?

Alex Antonitsch, tournament director of the Generali Open in Kitzbühel, discusses with Jörg Allmeroth and the former editor-in-chief of SPORTMAGAZIN, Fritz Hutter.

Just click on PLAY and listen.



Jan 07, 2022, 06:30 pm
last edit: Jan 07, 2022, 05:43 pm